-- The island airport
We loaded our plane about 2pm Honduran time and landed in Atlanta about 7pm Eastern time. From there, we gathered our luggage again and proceeded through US customs. There were no major difficulties other than the hassle of lines and waiting.
--The walk to the plane in Honduras
After emerging from the tunnel train in terminal A, we discovered that we had been switched to B for our departure. We all hiked over to B and found some dinner throughout the airport before loading one more flight towards home.
The plane departed Atlanta at 9:50 that night, and we landed in Philadelphia just before midnight. No luggage was lost, and our rides were waiting as we loaded up for one more long travel break, the bus from Philly to home. Arriving in Williamsport around 4 am, the crew crawled towards their rooms and some much needed sleep.
Monday begins classes again and another week of lectures to finish this week out. We have all had a fantastic week and experience to remember for years to come.